Business Card Photo Tips

Have you ever left a networking event with a bunch of new business cards, only to forget who’s who? Thought so! The thing is, it doesn’t matter how fancy a company’s logo or brand name is, the face of a company is much easier to remember.

Very popular with real estate agents and medical professionals, a professional photograph on your shiny business card is a great way to stand out from the crowd. It will be an excellent promotion of your brand and it means the recipient will remember you after you’ve met them.

After all, networking is all about creating relationships and maintaining the interactions afterwards. If you’d like to find out some great business card photo tips, just keep reading. From how to take an amazing photo to what should be on your business card, we’ve all the information you need right here!

Why Should You Put Your Picture On Your Business Card?

At marketing events, hundreds of business cards are handed out, and it can be very hard remembering who’s who. But if you’ve had your photo put onto your card, potential clients or business associates will remember you.

They’ll be able to put a face to your brand and this means they’re more likely to contact you again. Another benefit of adding your photo to your business card is that, straight away, people will know who they’ll be dealing with. This instils trust, which is super important in business relationships.

What Kind Of Photo Should You Use?

First things first, leave the selfies for social media! If you can, ask a friend or family member to take a photo for you. If not, you may need to consider getting a professional photographer.

Make sure the photo is big. A head and shoulder cropped photo is preferable to a 1/2 cropped one. Unless you’re a personal trainer or actor who needs to showcase their body, stay away from full length or 3/4 photos.

Top Tips To Create Amazing Photos For Your Business Cards

Consider a professional headshot

If you can, consider getting a professional headshot taken, as this will give you the best possible photo with a proper background.

Finding a photographer who specialises in branding will be well worth it, as they can match your photo to your brand. Not only that, but they’ll know how to make you look amazing for your headshot!

Know who your audience is

Before you jump in, take a minute and think about what you’re wearing. What would you choose to wear to the first meeting with a new client?

In different industries, formal wear can mean different things. Pay attention to what others who work in your industry are wearing.

Wear the right clothes

When you have your photo taken, make sure you wear solid colours with no writing or big patterns on them. Jewel tones or dark colours photograph best.

Try to choose grey, charcoal, or navy blue clothing as these are more professional than just black. For men, wearing a colourful tie will really bring out your personality as well as being a great help with your personal brand.

Use a neutral background

Stick with a neutral background, nothing that is too eye-catching or “busy” as it may take the focus away from your face. Your backdrop must also match what you sell or do.

Avoid props too, unless they are completely relevant to your business; otherwise stick to a plain background such as white, natural, or black. Remember, the backdrop shouldn’t steal the focus from you.

Use natural lighting if you can

Natural lighting is always best! Early morning or late evening sun will give you softer and more flattering lighting. There’s a reason why the “golden hour” is a favourite with many photographers!

Avoid harsh shadows and lighting. If an outdoor photo isn’t possible, then taking it near a big window would work well.

Keep It Simple

You want your business card design to be clean, professional, and smart, so stick to a simple but smart image. Don’t try to complicate things and keep accessories to an absolute minimum.

Wear what you would in front of your target audience, and remember, less is more!


A smile goes a long way! If you smile in your photo, you’ll be seen as more influential and likeable than someone who has a face like thunder. Your facial expression needs to represent your branding, and to show you as professional but approachable and friendly, so say cheese!

Remember that a photo doesn’t move, so you need to radiate energy and positivity and evoke those feelings in the person looking at your business card.

What Else Should Be On Your Business Card?

You’ve got an awesome photo, but what else should you put on your business card? Your company name and all your contact details such as business address and phone number should be one of the first things people see.

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What should you wear on a business card picture?

For your business card photograph, choose solid colours, preferably navy, grey, or charcoal. Leave the bright prints and colourful co-ords for the weekend!

Black is seen as less formal than navy blue or grey, so try to steer clear of it. A few accessories such as jewellery are fine, but try to keep it to a minimum.

What type of background should you use for your business headshots?

Always choose a neutral backdrop, such as a plain white or natural coloured wall. The full focus should be on your face, so avoid any “loud” or busy looking backdrops.

Should a professional photographer take your business card picture?

With professional photography, you’ll have a photo that perfectly accentuates your features. The photographer will have a high-quality camera and they’ll be able to photograph you looking your absolute best.

Should I put my photos on my photography business cards?

Whatever your profession, it’s well worth having your photo printed onto your card. Whether it’s photography, medical, banking, or real estate, a smiley photo will let people know you’re friendly and trustworthy!

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